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You’re currently reading “ epif ,” an entry on x dormant field journal 1
Published: 12.4.06 / 6pm
Category: insight

lie down long enough
look up through the skylight
especially where the corner meets
sister edge

the epif is this:
in the production of arty-face, poesis
articles and artifact,

there is always an emergency and that emergency belies reason enough to put something together. It is the safty valve, as in, don’t mess with me, as I am facing the drama of my emergeny and that is, putting the thing together. And that is almost more than the thing itself. So, reason here: emergency, and background checks in the way that noone can get close to what it is I haven’t been saying or doing.

Then I think, I usually have a show of somesort to rise to the occassion of putting something together. (and then the emergency, the gotta do do it quickly in order to suffice the desparation of the thing). Why not then just experiement? Why not, forget the ART of the thing. The art isn’t there anyway. If the art is the thing then that shelters the stuff of experiment ( just going for it.)

So, I don’t have a show.

And the experiement, actually, that’s what I’ll call it. The experiment. I saw, and here it is, the epiphany, that the stuff in the house, the stuff, that is mostly just laying about, as a kind of experiemnt. Or, here. I could see it as being wildly excellent as something to experience.

So the folded chairs leaning against the wall are kind of these wall ornaments ( not chairs) as they are not being used as chairs. They are leaning there against the wall and in space as some_ thing_. I can see that I could go and make wall ornaments ( a la the folded chair). Then looking at the osb sheet leaning against the other wall, again an epifany! I could see it as this thing more than just the wood leaning against the wall. There are stripes on it, and the organization of the fibres (the chips) coming together on the plane of the board, all just leaning there. If I thought of that wood ( just leaning there)as a piece of art that I had made, cause after all it’s just taking up the same length of space as though it _was_ an artwork leaning there, then I coud SEE IT, more than when I regularly don’t see what is there. Pay attention.

The other things to experiment with:

context isn’t enought any more….take something out of its context and put it into another context ( a la Duchamp) and is that enough? What might be another ‘gesture’ in order to make something come alive?

The John Cage sound field (noise as composition) and visual “noise” as compoosition to be recognized too.

The tyranny of the mind ( must do things a certain way, and only that way)

Let the stuff done be experiment - the forgetting of a-r-t ( a la Kaprow)

participating in the world. FLOW : action and awareness in sync.